Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Drugs and Alcohol.
Sooo many teenagers these days are either drinking or doing drugs, its crazy. I know lower classmen who provide some upper classmen with drugs. I know parents who buy alcohol for there kids and there friends. I know middle schoolers who are doing drugs and drinking every weekend. I think this is becoming a huge issue. My parents want me to go to a smaller school because they don't want me getting into all these drugs, but no matter where you go there are drugs and alcohol. Some people think its cool to get high everyday, truth is, its really not. I have no idea where all these young kids and teenagers get the access to all these drugs and different types of alcohol but its outrageous. I had a friends that hungout with the wrong croud and got caught up into all sorts of drugs, herion, cocaine and meth. He got sent away to a rehad facility and he is now better. He said that doing all those drugs ruined his life. I would imagine they could ruin anybodys life. I think drugs are worse then alcohol but alcohol can be just as bad. Niether of them are cool to do.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
This is getting old, real quick.
Blogging used to be fun at first, but now its getting a little to much. I have run out of ideas to blog about.. Everybody blogs about the same ideas, jersey shore, cell phones, texting, abortion, teenage sex, love, and some people even blog about mr.dykstra, haha. I think it would be easier to write a blog if you someone, like a teacher, told you what to blog about. Like gave each student a different topic to blog about because im pretty sure we have all ran out of ideas, there for blogging is becoming lame. I think many people would agree with me or I think we should just put blogging to an end. I think some people blog about stuff that they will later regret in the future. Whatever you blog about will be on the interent forever for everybody to read and i dont think some people realize that. Mr.Dykstra, blogging is getting old! Lets do something different and more exciting, or atleast give us different ideas to blog about.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The End is Almost Here.
Looking back at Elementary and Middle school i cant believe that I'm finally a junior in high school. I will graduate soon and be on my own. Each and everyday of school it goes by so slow, but when you look back the years went by so fast. As much as i hate school now, i think when I'm graduated I'm going to miss coming to school everyday and getting updated on the latest gossip and whose dating who. Even though I'm planning on attending college, its not going to be the same as high school.
Iv lately realized that grades mean a lot to the college your deciding to go to. I want to go to The University of Iowa, but i know for a fact that i wont get accepted with the grades that i have now. My parents push me hard to do good in school but yet i still slack. They ground me for getting bad grades; i have been grounded for about a month so far because I'm failing one class and yet i still haven't managed to get that grade up. Everybody says that your junior year is the hardest year in high school; I'm going to have to agree with that statement. I usually do pretty decent in school, but this year i have no idea whats going on. I'm more concerned with my surroundings and whats going on outside of school.
I really need to focus on my future and stop worrying about other things that are going on in my life. I only have about a year and half to pull myself up and do good in school. I'm really regretting getting bad grades in the past because its not as easy as you think to get them up and you cant change your grades from previous years. Colleges are going to look at that but Junior year and Senior year really matter to colleges. From now on, im going to do my best.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Person Hygiene.
There are so many student in mason city high school that don't shower or use deodorant and they stink very badly. Its disturbing sitting next to some one in class that smells like body odor or better yet, eating lunch in the cafeteria and you can smell kids at the table across from you; It ruins my appetite. There are also a few teachers that smell. They should be old enough to know about personal hygiene and so should many of the kids here at MCHS. I don't understand why anyone would not want to shower and clean them selfts up. They must like people plugging there nose when they walk by them, or staring at there hair, that is full of grease. Many of these kids wear the same clothes on daily basis, and that's why they also probably stink because their clothes are not washed, and either are they. Please take advantage of your shower, and your washer and dryer and use it, please. Nobody wants to smell your body oder. Personal hygiene is something we all need to use, its not healthy if you don't.
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