Saturday, October 16, 2010

This is getting old, real quick.

Blogging used to be fun at first, but now its getting a little to much. I have run out of ideas to blog about.. Everybody blogs about the same ideas, jersey shore, cell phones, texting, abortion, teenage sex, love, and some people even blog about mr.dykstra, haha. I think it would be easier to write a blog if you someone, like a teacher, told you what to blog about. Like gave each student a different topic to blog about because im pretty sure we have all ran out of ideas, there for blogging is becoming lame. I think many people would agree with me or I think we should just put blogging to an end. I think some people blog about stuff that they will later regret in the future. Whatever you blog about will be on the interent forever for everybody to read and i dont think some people realize that. Mr.Dykstra, blogging is getting old! Lets do something different and more exciting, or atleast give us different ideas to blog about.


  1. This is what blogging is about, right here. Expressing your opinion, writing how you want to write. It's what Dykstra preaches in class: forming your own opinion.

    Blogging is great, but not for everyone... and I think the deadlines are a detriment to the idea. It turns some people off to blogging.

  2. I agree i'm getting sick of blogs too.
