Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Drugs and Alcohol.

Sooo many teenagers these days are either drinking or doing drugs, its crazy. I know lower classmen who provide some upper classmen with drugs. I know parents who buy alcohol for there kids and there friends. I know middle schoolers who are doing drugs and drinking every weekend. I think this is becoming a huge issue. My parents want me to go to a smaller school because they don't want me getting into all these drugs, but no matter where you go there are drugs and alcohol. Some people think its cool to get high everyday, truth is, its really not. I have no idea where all these young kids and teenagers get the access to all these drugs and different types of alcohol but its outrageous. I had a friends that hungout with the wrong croud and got caught up into all sorts of drugs, herion, cocaine and meth. He got sent away to a rehad facility and he is now better. He said that doing all those drugs ruined his life. I would imagine they could ruin anybodys life. I think drugs are worse then alcohol but alcohol can be just as bad. Niether of them are cool to do.


  1. Abbie,
    you are so right when it comes to alcohol and drugs because they both can ruin someones life. I think drugs and alcohol have been on the rise because everyone that you walk by does some type of drug and or drinks. I dont understand why people would want to waste their time doing these kinds of things because later in life when you try and apply for a job many of them require a drug test. Maybe thats why alot of teens dont have jobs because of the background check. Kids arent the only ones at fault because sometimes the parents let these things go on and most of the time they provide these nasty habbits for them. Just remember Abbie you are making the right decision by not getting involved with them people. Keep up the good work:)

  2. I am also shocked by how prevalent this apparently is. I'll never understand the idea of coming to school high. I guess I'm just not cool enough to understand.
